Introducing 7 ways to load your website or blog faster

Website loading speed is one of the main reasons why a site may not be visited properly. In this article, we are going to introduce 7 methods that you can use to make your website load faster. Stay with us.

1. Reduce the overall size of the website

If your website loads in less than three seconds (it's best to measure this with high-speed Internet. Here is Iran and it may seem like a better option for six seconds), you may have used large-scale photos that slow down the website's loading speed Is.

More than 70% of mobile web pages are more than 1 MB in size and 12% of them are more than 4 MB! It should be noted that if 4G Internet is used in favorable conditions, it may take about seven seconds for a page to load with 1.5 MB. It is best to keep the size of each page less than 1.5 MB.

According to the statistics obtained, the resolution used in images on the world's websites is as follows:

  • 22.55% use a resolution of 360 by 640.
  • 11.73% use the 1987 resolution at 768.
  • 8.26% use 1920 by 1080 resolution.
  • 4.91% use a resolution of 375 by 667.
  • 2.94% use a resolution of 1440 x 900.

This statistic represents more than 50% of all users. So be careful when choosing images for each page of your website and use the right resolution and format.

2. Design your website for mobile

According to a report released by Google last year, the average time it takes for a landing page to open on a mobile phone is about 22 seconds. However, according to these reports, 53% of users leave the page before the landing page is fully loaded.

More than 75% of mobile websites around the world need more than 10 seconds to load using 3G Internet. These statistics are not exactly known in Iran. Interestingly, more than half of this traffic belongs to mobile devices and does not seem to be declining. So try to design your website for mobile and keep your users satisfied.

If you use a content management or CMS control panel such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, there are plugins that will help you make your website user-friendly for mobile as well. It is best to use the appropriate plugins for these CMSs.

In addition, you can always use tools like bMobilized or Duda Mobile to easily turn a computer-related website into a mobile one. Of course, the best option is always to design another website for the mobile version separately, or keep this in mind while coding. There are many ways to build responsive websites right now.

In any case, try to keep the mobile version of your website as small as possible. This is very important. We recommend that you keep the volume of each page of the website on mobile below 0.5 MB per page.

3. Make sure your website is kept to a minimum

If you write your website from scratch, constantly edit it. As the project progresses, you will find better ways to design it, so make sure there is always a way back in coding.

If you use content production networks or CDNs such as Cloudflare‌, you will have a separate tab that you can use to improve the speed of your website. Where the first choice will be Auto Minify. If you use websites that produce websites for you, such as Squarespace or Weebly or Wix, this is likely to be the default.

Evaluate your website continuously. Try different options and make sure your website is always in the best possible condition.

4. If you don't need a script, get permission to load it

Using JavaScript scripts before you need them can slow down a website. Try not to load scripts from third-party websites as much as possible.

Requesting the use of these scripts from other servers will reduce the overall speed of your website, as well as compromise the security of your website. As much as possible, try to keep the scripts you use on your server.

You can use defer or async to delay the loading of JavaScript scripts to speed up the website to some extent. In addition, try to use short scripts as a line in your HTML files.

Async tells the browser that in addition to loading JavaScript files, it also loads HTML at the same time. By default, the browser stops analyzing HTML while loading JavaScript scripts.

On the other hand, using defer causes the browser to first analyze HTML‌ and then load JavaScript-related scripts.

Using online JavaScript code online helps the browser avoid overloading additional files. This will speed up the loading of pages on various websites.

It should also be noted that you can easily use async and defer for Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and other analytics programs and error reporting tools, and there are no problems with the performance of your website.

Lastly, make sure that the scripts, ads, and in general each of the features used on your website are relevant. To make your website smaller, make sure you have the least amount of resources available.

5. Use browser storage and a content distribution network

Content distribution networks or CDNs copy your site to global servers and reduce the amount of data sent and received. A topic that will help your website load faster geographically.

Cloudflare‌ is probably one of the most popular content distribution networks you are familiar with. But Akamai and Amazon CloudFront are also great options.

Also, be sure to try to make the most of your browser storage. This will save some files from your website to the user's system, and the next time they want to access your website, they will not be downloaded from the Internet and will be read directly from the device's memory.

6. Get rid of useless plugins

Plugins should only be used when necessary. This is true even when you are using Wi-Fi, Wembley, WordPress or Squarespace. All the features that can be created instead of the plugin using a few lines of CSS‌ code must be applied and get rid of the relevant plugin. Use the input code in Squarespace , the CSS Customizer in WordPress, and the Custom CSS in Wix.

Plugins will make significant use of CPU and server memory, and this will generally slow down your server and website.

If you use WordPress, you probably won't use its basic features. You can remove these features using the Clearfy plugin.

Always monitor the plugins you use. If you use plugin features like JetPack, be sure to try to get rid of it and use other plugins with a much smaller size that performs all the functions of the previous plugin well.

7. Set up a server to speed up the website

Server delays can have a devastating effect on the loading speed of your web pages, as well as their rankings.

Google recommends that TTFB or time to receive the first byte is 1.3 seconds or less. This is the longest delay before a device starts downloading a page. However, this average is 2 seconds and is generally higher than the recommendation announced by Google.

The use of shared hosts is usually the main reason for this problem. But there is a solution to change the server setting that can slow down your website.

  • Use the latest version of PHP‌. The latest version of PHP (currently 7.2) offers surprisingly fast speeds.
  • Switch to Keep-Alive.
  • Use HTTP / 2.
  • Take advantage of HSTS.
  • Get backups from the site during off-peak hours.

If your website is built in WordPress, make sure you use a hosting company that specializes in hosting WordPress.

Evaluate the speed of your website

Now that you've figured out what the optimal time, volume, and TTFB for a website is, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some tools for evaluating website speed. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • : This tool helps you see how fast your website is loading. It also lets you know how you can improve your website.
  • Google PageSpeed Insight : Recently updated, it allows you to rate the speed of your website. It will also provide tips for improving your website.
  • GTmetrix : A good tool with practical and desirable recommendations.
  • WebPageTest : Test your website on various devices, operating systems and locations and share the results with you.
  • Pingdom : A very popular tool similar to WebPageTest with a more engaging user interface.


The post Introducing 7 ways to load your website or blog faster appeared first on Software News.

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